Access to information
The right of access to information and the reuse of information
Article 3 of the Act on the Right of Access to Information (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 25/13, 85/15) regulates the right of access to information of natural and legal persons through the open and public work of public authorities.
The right of access to information and reuse of information includes the user’s right to seek and receive information, and the obligation of public authorities to allow access to the requested information, or to publish information independently of a request when such disclosure is derived from obligations defined by law or other regulations.
The right of access to information and reuse of of information is governed by and shall be exercised in accordance with the Act on the Right of Access to Information (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 25/13, 85/15). The Act lays down the principles of the right to access information and reuse information, the restrictions on the right to access information and reuse information, the procedure for the realization and protection of the right to access information and reuse information.
Information officer
Public Institution “Nature Park Telašćica” informs the public through its official website using documents and information in its possession that are publicly available in electronic form and can be accessed without sending a specific request, and access to all other information and documents can be obtained by submitting an oral or written request.
The right of access to information and reuse of information is achieved by submitting a request to the Information Officer of the Public Institution “Nature Park Telašćica” in one of the following ways:
1. by phone: +385 (0)23 377 096
2. by fax: +385 (0)23 377 096
3. by e-mail to: telascica@telascica.hr, using the form for the Request for access to information / Request for amendment or correction of information / Request for reuse of information;
4. by post to the address: Javna ustanova „Park prirode Telašćica“, Sali IV 2, 23281 Sali, Croatia using the form for the Request for access to information / Request for amendment or correction of information / Request for reuse of information;
5. in person at: Javna ustanova „Park prirode Telašćica“, Sali IV 2, 23281 Sali, Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 15:00 hours.
Request for access to information (Form 2)
Request for amendment or correction of information (Form 3)
Request for reuse of information (Form 4)
Information Officer:
Ira Frančeskini
Public Institution „Park prirode Telašćica“, Sali IV 2, 23281 Sali
Tel.: +385 (0)23 377 096
Fax.: +385 (0)23 377 096
Information Officer’s e-mail address telascica@telascica.hr
Working hours for work with clients are from Monday to Friday, 07:00 to 15:00 hours.
Fee for access to information
Public Institution “Nature Park Telašćica” is entitled to a compensation of the actual costs incurred in providing information to a user of the right to access information and reuse information, as well as a compensation of the costs of providing the requested information, which shall be charged in accordance with the Criteria for Determining the Amount of Compensation of Actual Costs and Costs of Delivery of Information (hereinafter: Criteria) pursuant to Article 19 paragraph 2 of the Act on the Right of Access to Information (Official Gazette “Narodne novine”, no. 25/13, 85/15).
In accordance with the Criteria for Determining the Amount of Compensation of Actual Costs and Costs of Delivery of Information (Official Gazette “Narodne novine”, no. 12/14, 15/14), the amount of compensation of the actual costs is determined as follows:
1. copy of one A4 format page – HRK 0.25
2. copy of one A3 format page – HRK 0.50
3. coloured copy of one A4 format page – HRK 1.00
4. coloured copy of one A3 format page – HRK 1.60
5. electronic record on one CD – HRK 4.00
6. electronic record on one DVD – HRK 6.00
7. electronic record on a memory card depending on the amount of memory – HRK 210 for 64 GB, HRK 150 for 32 GB, HRK 120 for 16 GB, HRK 50 for 8 GB, HRK 30 for 4 GB.
8. converting one document page from physical into electronic form – HRK 0.80
9. converting a record from a videotape, audio tape or a floppy disk into an electronic record – HRK 1.00
The costs of delivering information shall be calculated in accordance with the valid price list of regular postal services.
The amount of compensation of actual costs for services not stated in the Criteria, shall be determined by a public authority by including the average market price of the service, the cost of depreciation of the public authority and the cost of postal services into the amount of the compensation. The costs of delivering information shall be calculated in accordance with the valid price list of postal services. The user of the right to information shall pay the expected amount of actual costs in advance. In case the user of the right to information does not pay the aforementioned amount in due time, it shall be deemed that the user withdrew the request. Public Institution “Nature Park Telašćica” shall issue an invoice to the user of the right to information in accordance with the amount of compensation established under the Criteria.
The right of access to information is governed by
General regulations
• Act on the Right of Access to Information (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 25/13, 85/15)
• Act on Personal Data Protection (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 103/03, 118/06, 41/08, 130/11, 106/12)
• Data Secrecy Act (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 79/07, 86/12)
• Act on the Protection of Data Secrecy (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 108/96, 79/07)
• Media Act (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 59/04, 84/11, 81/13)
• Archives and Archival Institutions Act (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 105/97, 64/00, 65/09, 144/12)
• Act on State Administration in Relations between the Administration and Citizens (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 150/11, 12/13)
• Ordinance on the Organization, Content and Method of Keeping the Official Registry on Exercising the Right of Access to Information (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 83/14)
• Criteria for Determining the Amount of Compensation of Actual Costs and Costs of Delivery of Information (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 12/14, 15/14)
• List of Public Authorities for 2010 (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 19/10)
EU regulations
• Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on the re-use of public sector information (OJ L 345, 17 November 2003),
• Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents (OJ L 145, 31 May 2001),
• Directive 2013/37/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 amending Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of public sector information (OJ L 175, 27 June 2013).
Internal regulations
• Decision on Appointment of the Information Officer
• Ordinance on the Organization of the Official Registry on Exercising the Right of Access to Information
• Decision on the Amount of Compensation (Price List) of Actual Incurred Costs
• Ordinance on Exercising the Right of Access to Information and Reuse of Information
• Official Register of Requests, Procedures and Decisions on Exercising the Right of Access to Information and Reuse of Information
• Request for access to information (Form 2)
• Request for amendment or correction of information (Form 3)
• Request for reuse of information (Form 4)
• Report on the Implementation of the Act on the Right of Access to Information in 2015
• Report on the Implementation of the Act on the Right of Access to Information in 2014
• Report on the Implementation of the Act on the Right of Access to Information in 2013