Public institution
The Public Institution of Nature Park Telašćica manages the Nature Park area in accordance with the Nature Protection Act of the Republic of Croatia, the Statute and other acts of the Institution. The Parliament of the Republic of Croatia awarded the status of a nature park, and the Public Institution was founded by a Government Decree of the Republic of Croatia.
The Public Institution “Nature Park Telašćica” was founded in 1988 under the name of Work Organization “Nature Park Telašćica”. The registered seat of the Institution is in Sali. The activities of the Institution include the protection, maintenance, and promotion of natural and cultural heritage of Nature Park “Telašćica” with the aim of protecting and preserving the nature’s origin, ensuring unhindered course of natural processes and sustainable use of natural resources, and monitoring the implementation of the conditions and measures of nature protection in the area managed in accordance with the law. The Public Institution of Nature Park Telašćica is managed by the Board of Directors approved by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development.
Director’s Office
Department – Service for professional tasks of protection, maintenance, preservation and use of the Nature Park
– Division for inventorying and monitoring the status of natural and cultural values
– Division for sustainable management of natural resources
– Division for education and project activities
Department – Service for monitoring (Nature guard service)
– Division for direct monitoring
– Division for control and payments
Department – Technical service and maintenance service
– Subdivision for maintenance of facilities and equipment
– Subdivision for fire protection
Department – Service for marketing activities, tourism and hospitality
– Subdivision for marketing
– Subdivision for hospitality management
Department – Service for general and common tasks
– Subdivision for the implementation of public procurement and direct procurement of goods
– Subdivision for accounting and bookkeeping services
Director’s Office
The Director’s Office carries out administrative and professional activities for the director, protocol activities, activities of media relations, activities relating to contacts and communication with government bodies and local governments, and other legal and natural persons, activities of incoming and outgoing mail, record keeping and storage of confidential mail, as well as other professional activities related to the work of the director, as well as monitoring the legitimacy of the work of all organizational units of the Institution.
Service for professional tasks of protection, maintenance, preservation and use of the Nature Park
Service for professional tasks of protection, maintenance, preservation and use of the Nature Park, and natural resources. Carries out professional activities related to the protection, maintenance, preservation and use of the Nature Park, especially activities related to the development of the management plan and the annual program of protection, maintenance, preservation, use and promotion of the Nature Park, their implementation, monitoring, landscape, and living and inanimate world, research in the Nature Park, care of capital investments related to the protection, maintenance, preservation and use of the Nature Park, as well as other relevant professional activities.
The Service for professional tasks includes:
– Division for inventorying and status monitoring
– Division for sustainable management of natural resources
– Division for education and project activities
Service for monitoring (Nature guard service)
The Service for monitoring performs direct supervision in the Nature Park in relation to the application of the Nature Protection Act and the Ordinance on the Internal Order in Nature Park “Telašćica”, as well as immediate control of visitors and the collection of Nature Park entrance fees.
For the purpose of conducting monitoring activities, the Service for monitoring implements appropriate administrative procedures, and takes legal measures against persons who violate the law or the Ordinance on the Internal Order.
The Service for monitoring includes:
– Division for direct monitoring
– Division for control and payments
Technical service and maintenance service
The Technical service performs professional and technical activities related to the maintenance of facilities and equipment, maintenance of vehicles and equipment for fire protection, maintenance of other vehicles, maintenance of roads and trails in the Nature Park, ensures municipal development and cleaning of the Park, provides and implements fire protection measures, care about security traffic and safety at work, and other technical tasks.
The Technical service includes:
– Subdivision for maintenance of facilities and equipment
– Subdivision for fire protection
Service for marketing activities, tourism and hospitality
Service for marketing activities, tourism and hospitality carries out activities related to the national and international promotion of the Nature Park, organizes and performs the reception of visitors, and tasks related to their accommodation, organizes and supervises hospitality activities, organizes and supervises tourism and recreational activities, raises funds through sponsorships, donations, organizes professional gatherings and symposia, and other professional, scientific, and cultural gatherings.
The Service for marketing activities, tourism and hospitality includes:
– Subdivision for marketing
– Subdivision for hospitality management
Service for general and common tasks
The Service for general and common tasks carries out administrative, personnel, legal, financial, and accounting affairs of the Institution as a whole, the activities of procurement and storage, management of electronic archives, storage of official documents and other office tasks necessary for the legitimate business of the Institution.
The Service for general and common tasks includes:
– Subdivision for the implementation of public procurement and direct procurement of goods
– Subdivision for accounting and bookkeeping services