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Prices of tickets and fees of the “Nature Park Telašćica” Public Institution in 2025.

Every visitor to Nature Park Telašćica should have a valid ticket for each day of their stay in the park. Tickets can be purchased:

  • From Park Rangers, after your arrival in the area of the Nature Park,
  • Through Agencies with which the Public Institution has Sales agreement
  • Purchase via web service

Purchase of tickets in the Park area

  • When charging the tickets for visitors and boats, in accordance with Article 78 of the Value Added Tax Act (OG No. 73/13), the employee of the Telašćica Nature Park is obliged to deliver a fiscalized invoice/ticket to the visitor.
  • If the ticket/invoice was not physically delivered to the visitor by the employee of the Telašćica Nature Park, the visitor is not obliged to pay for the ticket/invoice.
  • During the inspection performed by the official staff of the Telašćica Nature Park, each visitor is obliged to present a valid ticket/invoice for each day of their stay in the premises of the Telašćica Nature Park.
  • Visitors have the right to submit a complaint regarding the issued ticket/invoice within 15 days of its purchase, which is possible only upon presentation of the ticket/invoice.

Purchase in Agencies’ office

Adamo Travel d.o.o., travel agency, Sali

M&S Company for all d.o.o., trade for services, Sukošan

Magrovica d.o.o., travel agency, Sali

Purchase via web service

Parkovi Hrvatske web shop

MySea web service

A ticket purchased through the web service can be purchased no later than one day before the planned date of the visit to the park.

Buying multi-day tickets

Three-day tickets are valid for three consecutive days, respectively. Three-day tickets can be purchased through the mySea web service.

  • One day ticket buyed from 00:00 till 24:00, valid until 12:00 next day
  • Three day ticket buyed from 00:00 till 24:00, valid until 12:00 fourth day

The ticket is purchased for the exact date of the park visit. If the visitors are unable to visit the park on a scheduled date due to unforeseen circumstances, it is possible to change the date of the visit. This can be done once during the season by sending a date change request to not later than the day before scheduled arrival until 12:00 o’clock, during the work days (Monday-Friday) in period from 8am till 1pm.

If your new date falls in a period where the price is different (pre-season / peak season / post-season), no extra charge or refund shall be made.

Ticket cancellation is not possible.

Ticket prices are listed in euro (EUR).

VESSEL SIZE Ticket purchased outside Telašćica Nature Park Ticket purchased inside Telašćica Nature Park Ticket for multiple parks
1 dan
(ulaznica kupljena na dan vrijedi do 12 sati idućeg dana)
3 dana
(ulaznica kupljena na dan vrijedi do 12 sati trećeg dana od dana kupnje)
1 dan
(ulaznica kupljena na dan vrijedi do 12 sati idućeg dana)
3 dana
(ulaznica vrijedi na Nacionalni park Kornati i Park prirode Telašćica)
 I – V
VI – IX  I – V
VI – IX  I – V
VI – IX  I – V
up to 6,99 m
(20 – 23 feet)
20,00 40,00 35,00 80,00 25,00 50,00 55,00 110,00
7,00 m – 10,99 m
(24 – 35 feet)
25,00 60,00 50,00 120,00 35,00 70,00 100,00 200,00
11,00 m – 17,99 m
(36 – 58 feet)
40,00 90,00 80,00 180,00 50,00 100,00 150,00 300,00
18,00 m – 24,99 m
(59 – 81 feet)
65,00 145,00 130,00 290,00 80,00 160,00 240,00 480,00
25,00 m – 34,99 m
(82 – 114 feet)
145,00 290,00 290,00 580,00 175,00 320,00 400,00 720,00
35,00 – 49,99 m
(115 – 163 feet)
320,00 560,00 640,00 1.120,00 400,00 640,00 960,00 1.440,00
50,00 m – 74,99 m
(164 – 245 feet)
520,00 860,00 1.040,00 1.720,00 690,00 1.040,00 1.560,00 2.180,00
75,00 m – 99,99 m
(246 – 327 feet)
870,00 1.560,00 1.730,00 3.110,00 1.040,00 1.730,00 2.420,00 4.150,00
above 100,00 m
(328 feet and above)
1.040,00 2.080,00 2.080,00 4.160,00 1.120,00 2.250,00 2.770,00 5.870,00

Price list of tickets exclusively for vessels that participate in regatta competitions

Prices for 1 DAY

In order to obtain the right to a discount when buying a ticket for boats intended exclusively for participants in regatta competitions, boat managers (skippers) are obliged to present a valid proof (document) to the nature guards upon arrival at the park, which shows that the boat has an official registration for the regatta competition.

Regatta participants are entitled to a discount compared to the price list displayed on the Telašćica Nature Park website, according to the length of the vessel as well as the month in which the regatta takes place. According to the number of vessels participating in the regatta that will come to the park, the percentage of the discount on the ticket will also depend.

Number of boats:  Discount:
from 10 to 19
from 20 to 29
from 30 to 39 
from 40 to 49
from 49 +
discount 10 %
discount 20 %
discount 30 %
discount 40 %
discount 50 %



Off-season price
I – V; X – XII
Price in high season
Visitor’s ticket for touristic visits on excursion boats¹, per person / day 6,00 € 8,00 €
¹ Boat agency is obliged:
– ensure that every visitor who comes by the ship owner’s ship (ship for one-day visits and ship for round trips) has his own ticket

– obtain concession approval through a public tender in accordance with the “Regulations on Concession Approvals in Protected Areas” and conclude an agreement with JU PP Telašćica (with payment of a special fees)



Off-season price
I – V; X – XII
Price in high season
Ticket for visitors through mainland entrance Dolac², per person / day 6,00 8,00
Ticket for motor vehicles³ 6,00 8,00
Ticket for bus, minibus and camper 10,00 14,00
Ticket for visitors staying in rental houses/holiday homes in the Nature Park area⁴ 6,00 8,00
Ticket for visitors through mainland entrance Dolac, with discount⁵ 4,00 6,00
PASS card⁶  0,00 0,00
² The ticket for visitors is charged according to the period for which it is purchased as well as the category according to which the visitors are classified (see explanation under ⁵ and ⁶)

³ If a visitor to Telašćica Nature Park comes with a motor vehicle, a separate ticket is paid for the same according to the price list for motor vehicles, bus and minibus.

The term motor vehicle means any vehicle that is powered by its own engine, in accordance with the Road Traffic Safety Act (it applies to all motor vehicles except for buses, minibuses and camper vans for which a special price is prescribed)

⁴ The entrance fee for visitors staying in holiday homes in the area of ​​ Telašćica Nature Park is charged for each visitor as well as for the vehicle/vessel (depending on the category)

– one-time at the full price and can be valid for a maximum of 7 days from the day of purchase. When buying such a ticket, the visitor (or renter) is obliged to indicate on a special form the name of the owner or the building where he is staying, the total number of people and the starting and ending dates of the stay in the same. During the stay, the visitor is obliged to present the above-mentioned document to the official at the entrance every time he enters PP Telašćica.

⁵ The following are entitled to a discounted ticket:

– children aged 8 to 18 only accompanied by their parents or upon presentation of a valid document/card (price €3 or €5, depending on the season)

– persons older than 65 years, only upon presentation of a valid document/card (price 3 or 5 €, depending on the seasonal period)

– students, only upon presentation of a valid document / identity card (price 3 or 5 €, depending on the seasonal period)

– persons with special needs, only upon presentation of a valid document / identity card (price 3 or 5 €, depending on the seasonal period)

– groups from schools, educational or educational institutions, as well as groups of pensioners only with prior notice. Group means a group of at least 10 people. A written announcement of the arrival of the group to the e-mail address ú is mandatory. Prior announcement of the arrival of the group is important in order to reduce the possibility of delays and longer waits for the group at the entrance to the Park.

⁶ The following are entitled to a pass (free entry) to the Telašćica Nature Park:

– children up to 7 years old only accompanied by their parents

– invalids of the Homeland War and members of the association of families of fallen veterans – only with the presentation of a valid document / identity card

– persons residing in the territory of the Municipality of Sali and/or holders of rights to real estate in the area of ​​the Telašćica Nature Park

– journalists who (only with prior notice) film/write about the Telašćica Nature Park

– members of the HV, MUP or HGSS only upon presentation of a valid document / identity card, registration of their stay in the Park, provision of personal telephone contact for responding to a call for the purpose of participating in a rescue operation, regardless of the capacity in which members of the aforementioned services are located in the Telašćica Nature Park

– persons with special permission from the Institution


Diving visit fee
Off-season price
I – V, X – XII
Price in high season
Organized recreational scuba diving, per diver / per day 10,00 15,00
– the price includes a ticket to the Nature Park

– for organized diving visits, the Diving Club and/or Diving Centre must obtain a concession permit for which a special fee is paid


Fee for commercial filming and photography

Filming and photography for one (1) day 800,00
Filming and photography for seven (7) days 1.600,00
Aerial filming / aerial photography for one (1) day 1.400,00
– for any commercial recording and/or photography, the natural or legal person who performs the recording or photography must obtain a concession permit from the Public Institution

– for filming from the air, the natural or legal person conducting the filming is obliged to attach all the necessary permits from the competent institutions in accordance with the regulations for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in addition to the request for the issuance of a concession permit


Service fee

Boat transfer service, boat length up to 8 m (billing unit € / per 1h) 150,00
Boat transfer service, boat length 8 m to 11 m (billing unit € / per 1h) 280,00
Expert guidance, up to 4 hours 60,00
Expert guidance, duration 4 to 8 hours 90,00


– a one-time visit to all land sites in the Telašćica Nature Park

– visit and tour of the Interpretation and Education Centre Grpašćak with secured parking for motor vehicles

– transportation with vans according to the previously established schedule from Gmajno polje to Mir bay (salt lake) and back, with secured parking for motor vehicles (Gmajno polje)


– group means a group of at least 10 people

– the applicant for the interpretive guidance service must request it in advance via the e-mail address and receive a written confirmation of its acceptance from the Public Institution

– the deadline for canceling any type of previously ordered service is at least 24 hours before the agreed time – otherwise the agreed and reserved service will be charged in full by the Public Institution

– The public institution “Telašćica Nature Park” is mostly financed by the sale of tickets, and by purchasing a ticket, every visitor contributes to the permanent protection, preservation and improvement of the Nature Park

– The public institution “Telašćica Nature Park” reserves the right to change ticket prices

Prices shown include VAT.